Tag Archives: potential

Acting on potential

10 Mar

For most of the past week I was listening to stories from businesses and realising that those who make a success of things in life, really are those who not only see the potential in something – but actually act on that potential as well.


There is no doubt that it takes resilience and determination and sheer downright grit sometimes, because life is not easy and you have to work at it to make the most from the time you have.


Of all the many brilliant gems of wisdom I picked up over the week, I think that idea of having to work hard to try to fulfill potential, is one that stuck with me.


I’ve listened to speakers tell their story and realised that, perhaps even unknown to themselves, they were people who understood that all development is self-development.


They appeared as speakers last week because they deserved to be there. Even though some of them may well underestimate their own brilliance, growth is an individual project and the crowd will always stand back to let a winner shine through.


From the first day to the last, I listened to people who had not only desire, but who also had the willingness to prepare and the drive to take action.


The preparation I believe, was that these were people who were always willing to learn, to read, to listen, to expand their thinking, to be open to new experiences.


And in doing so they were training their minds and bodies to enjoy the privilege of success.


Yes, they were aware of risks, but they didn’t let fear hold them back.


They understood that anyone with the desire to grow and the willingness to prepare for that, must then accept the responsibility to take action, because only then could they tap into their true potential.


Before the week had even begun, I had been challenged to write a poem based on a painting that depicted sail boats tied up safely in a marina as the sun was setting.


The waters were calm and the boats were all at rest, but as I looked at the picture all I could see was unfulfilled potential.


All I could think on was of all the adventures, the highs and lows those boats would miss out on if they stayed forever in that safe place.


It’s easy to stay in the safe place longer than we should sometimes. We get comfortable there and we find reasons to stay, even when we know we should go.


We may have the desire for something better.


But desire alone is not enough and without the hard work and action to match that desire, life will have passed us by and we’ll be left with nothing but handfuls of what ifs and regrets.


Sailboats and sunsets


Take time sometimes,

to enjoy your safe place;

to watch the sunset,

to feel the calm.

But, tempting as it may be,

do not tie yourself

to that safe spot forever.

You were never meant to be

always anchored down,

huddling, hiding away;

skimming the surface

with unfulfilled potential.

You were born to be brave.

To seek waves of new adventure.

To feel the wind in your sails,

and watch a team of white horses

gallop over the tides

as you steer to new horizons.


(Liam Porter 2018)


